If you have a love for the Land of Israel and for the Jewish people, or if you are a non-Jew who feels a stirring within your being to return to the roots of your faith, then this book is a must-read.
As a new Believer, Ephraim Frank could not explain what he felt burning in his soul. He only knew that he was being drawn, wooed by His God, and that he had gone on a tour that had forever changed his life…
From the farm lands of America to the Holy Land of Israel, this compelling autobiography is in truth a love story.
This touching testimony tells the personal story of a stranger who felt divinely drawn to both the Promised Land and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It tells of the birthing of a new and fresh move of the Holy One, while it gently reveals what the Father is doing in the earth today.
This refreshing account of one man’s sojourn tells of the blessed redemption of the whole house of Israel; revelation unfolds on its enchanting pages.
Today, Ephraim Frank is a citizen of the State of Israel and is married to a Sabra (native Israeli). Together, Ephraim and his beloved, Rimona, have two children, Yonatan and Sehter-Hadar; and work in Zion to help restore the Kingdom to Israel.
Read this chronicle of Ephraim’s return home to the Land of his forefathers and be encouraged, moved, and – above all – inspired.
Table of Contents
In the Beginning 1
Army Days 9
Meeting the Master 15
A Life Changing Encounter 25
Crossing Over 33
The Supernatural 39
The Fleece 47
The Holy Land? 53
A Room at the Inn 59
A Different Culture 65
Released 73
Back in the Land 81
A New Adventure 89
A Bus Ride 73
Uprooted and Replanted 107
The Wind of the Spirit 115
A War and a Wedding 121
Revelation and the Tribes 131
The Excursion 141
A Manuscript and Moves 149
Winds of Change 161
Touring the States 171
The Mounts of Blessing and Curse 175
Building and Bombs 185
Life in the Land 193
A New Reality 201
Being About the Father’s Business 209